Shipyard Infiltration
Marseille Docks was the first level I worked on upon joining High Moon Studios. I was one of three designers who worked on the level, with each of us working on a different section. However, due to bug fixing, by the end of the project I had my hands on almost every shootout and vignette in the level.
Scripted AI on patrol routes and playing animations via kismet.
Scripted AI combat movement behaviors via kismet.
Created vignettes of skeletal mesh actor cops chasing and having shootouts with enemy guards controlled via matinee and kismet.
Created vignettes of skeletal mesh actor enemy patrol boats zooming around and dropping off AI enemy guards via matinee and kismet.
Lined up skeletal mesh actor attachments on characters for vignettes, like cigarettes being smoked by the first two guards in the level, via kismet.
Created different destructible prefabs with prop artists and set them up to be used for takedowns.
Scripted timing and placement of VO lines and objective markers.
Placed pickups and interacts.
Edited the AI nav mesh in 3D Studio Max and importing it into Unreal.
Coverlink placement for the whole level.
Fixed collision issues where players get stuck with blocking volumes.
Gameplay Video Part 1
Gameplay Video Part 2